Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering 9/11

There's a stirring country song that asks the question "have you forgotten when the towers fell?" (You can hear it in the video below.) Six years have passed since that morning when one of our friends called, and asked if we were listening to the news. I can still remember the shock and pain of that day. Our prayers should still go out to the families who lost loved ones. We should be thankful for having a President who has provided strong unwavering leadership during and after the attack on our country. We should be proud of our brave military personnel who are sacrificing so much to ensure our safety and to give the hope of freedom to the citizens of Iraq.


Florida Bozone Bunch said...

No, I haven't forgotten and I wish we as Americans could see that we have to fight for our freedom. They even have the right to have a voice because someone fought for that freedom. We went to a going-away party last night for a guy in our church that is leaving for Iraq this month. It is scary to think about letting these "kids" go over there, yet so amazing that they are ready to stand up for America. My hat is off to them and my prayers are with all of them that make this sacrifice.

The Sayler Family said...

Chris and Esther, it was great to stumble across your blog. You have a beautiful family! Thanks for the powerful reminder about 9/11. I'll be checking back in with you:)
Kim (Zimmer) Sayler

Eileen said...

I tried getting on your comments on this one I couple of times and for some reason it wouldn't let me. I wanted to let you know I really enjoyed your Remembering 9/11. I did on blog also but not as nice as yours. Thanks for sharing.